This is the End: The Gift

Growing up in my household meant there were these toys all over the floor because of my brother and I: Action figures, Legos, and Power Rangers Megazords. Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, looking back on it, was one of the most rinse and repeat children shows of the 90s. Every episode had a monster that the Rangers would defeat in a matter of twenty minutes (and it was before leveling a city in the process was tabooed).

I’ve always loved Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers and all 200+ episodes streaming on Netflix doesn’t help either. You may be seeing MMPR show up in recent news because of the new movie coming out from Saban Films based off the original series. So far everything I’ve seen has made me convinced this isn’t a movie for the MMPR fan in me. A couple years ago I wrote out a small treatment for my own idea of a MMPR film and I even went as far as to write out a four page screenplay of a cold open for the movie. I never thought I’d share it; but I decided in light of my time at WNS coming to a close, why not give you a gift of some writing I’ve done that isn’t in this normal blog format. I wrote it a year ago and opened it up and tweaked it last night, so don’t expect some tour de force. Just take it as a small sample of my screenwriting style and language based on a trope of my childhood. Enjoy!





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